Aunt steps in after brother’s out-of-control kids destroy house over ‘nightmare’ weekend

A woman who is asking others for help on social media has described a “nightmare” scenario involving her brother’s children – detailing why she won’t let the children stay in her home again.

Over 5,500 reactions have come in to date, with over 1,500 comments posted on the personal drama as well.

Describing herself as 32 years old, the woman told others on the Reddit page known as “AITA” (“Am I A-hole”) that she lives “in a nice and comfortable house that I worked hard for preserved.”

She said her brother, who is 34, has three children, ages 10, 8 and 6 — and that “a few months ago, he asked[ed] if they could stay at my house for the weekend because he and his wife needed a break.”

The woman agreed, she said, “thinking it would be nice to bond with my nieces and nephew.”

This was a mistake, apparently.

“The weekend turned into a nightmare,” she wrote.

“The kids went absolutely crazy. They break several things, including one [vase] This was a gift from my late grandmother, it spilled liquid on my white sofa and even scribbled on the walls with markers.

A woman tells how her brother’s children are no longer welcome in her home because of their wild behavior. stock –

The woman said she “tried to manage the situation, but every time I told them to stop or tried to set boundaries, they completely ignored me.”

When she later reported the “damage” to her brother, she said he “just laughed and said, ‘Kids will be kids.’ He didn’t offer to help clean or replace anything.”

The woman described herself as “really hurt, but [I] it didn’t make a big deal at the time,” she shared with the others.

So – “forward so far, [and] he’s asking if the kids can stay again because they want to go on another weekend trip.”

The woman said she “told him no, explaining what happened last time and that I don’t want to deal with this anymore.”

With this, “he became very upset, saying that I am punishing his children for being children and that I am being unfair.”

She told others on the Reddit page known as “AITA” (“Am I an A-hole”) that she lives “in a nice, comfortable house that I’ve worked hard to maintain.” SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Now, “her parents are involved,” she wrote, “saying I have to ‘be the bigger person’ and help my brother. They say the kids are sorry and just want to spend time with their aunt.” them. But I’m still traumatized from the last time they were here.”

The woman asked the others if she was wrong “to refuse to let them stay in my house again.”

In the top “upvoted” answer on the platform, one user wrote: “This is completely ridiculous. You are not the parents of these children and they do not live in your home. You have no obligation to care for them except in emergency.”

The person also said: “It’s perfectly reasonable and acceptable to say that you can’t afford to have them in your home, especially given your past experience.”

The same person also suggested, “Why don’t your parents take the grandkids for the weekend?”

Or, “if you want to help, you can stay at your brother’s house for the weekend,” the same user wrote.

“That way, the kids are at home and can scribble on their walls if they want to. Also, your brother can pay you for it.”

The woman described herself as “really hurt, but [I] it didn’t make a big deal at the time,” and she doesn’t feel comfortable having the kids there. stock –

Another user on the platform responded to that response, writing, “That last paragraph is genius medicine.”

Another person on the platform wrote: “Kids are kids, but not destructive. He and his wife probably need a break because they can’t control their kids.”

Fox News Digital reached out to a psychologist for insight.

Regarding the issue of family members watching other people’s children within their own family unit, etiquette expert Lizzie Post, co-president at the Emily Post Institute and co-author of Emily Post’s Etiquette, Centennial Edition, recently said for the Scary Mommy website. that people should not assume that “anyone who has experience watching children is available or willing to spend their time looking after your children”.

She added that as much as people like to think that grandparents, aunts, uncles, older cousins ​​and siblings will help with childcare, “it’s asking a lot.”

The piece also noted that “any child care arrangement is nuanced and worth discussing.”

#Aunt #steps #brothers #outofcontrol #kids #destroy #house #nightmare #weekend
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